In 2013, the Committee identified priorities for research projects under four broad themes: Hydrology, Ecology, Chemicals and Cumulative Impacts. The priorities were based on an analysis of current and emerging research, and were informed by public consultation undertaken in 2012. Workshops were also held with academia, Australian and state government agencies, industry and the community, with a mix of expertise and experience in geology, hydrology, hydrogeology and ecology, as well as geographic coverage. The Department of the Environment and Energy commissioned $19 million of research projects guided by the 2013 IESC priorities.
Given the completion of the Department of the Environment and Energy’s $19 million research program in 2017, the Committee reviewed the IESC research priorities. The updated research priorities were informed by consultation with Australian and state government agencies, industry, researchers and non-government organisations and take into account current and emerging research. The research priorities were recommended to the Australian Government Minister with responsibility for the Environment by the Committee in June 2017. The IESC research priorities may inform research institutions, research funding bodies, government science agencies and industry in developing research plans and priorities.