On 26 May 2021, the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development (IESC) hosted a virtual masterclass on its Explanatory Note: Uncertainty analysis–Guidance for groundwater modelling within a risk management framework.
This entertaining masterclass was hosted by the Explanatory Note’s authors Hugh Middlemis (HydroGeoLogic Pty Ltd) and Dr Luk Peeters (CSIRO) who provide their insights into the development and usability of the Explanatory Note through practical guidance and interactive sessions. The masterclass is an informative watch for anyone in the resources or regulatory sector involved in preparing or understanding uncertainty analysis in groundwater modelling.
The masterclass recording can be viewed below:
Video transcript (DOCX - 88.25 KB)
The video content is intended for information purposes only and has been edited for online use.