For some topics, Explanatory Notes have been written to supplement the Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development (IESC) Information Guidelines, providing tailored guidance and up-to-date robust scientific methodologies and tools for specific components of environmental impact assessments on coal seam gas and large coal mining developments.
The Information Guidelines Explanatory Note - Deriving site-specific guideline values for physico-chemical parameters and toxicants introduces the use of a water and sediment quality management framework to assist with the design of appropriate monitoring programs for measuring physico-chemical parameters and toxicants from which site-specific guideline values can be developed.
The summary guide provides a short, simplified summary of the Explanatory Note and identifies the approaches to designing a monitoring program and deriving site-specific guideline values for water and sediment in the context of the coal seam gas and large coal mine industries.
Updates to IESC Information Guidelines and Explanatory Notes will be undertaken as new methodologies and tools become available.